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Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | September 28, 2020 - Monday (26th Week in O.T.)
Today's Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection | September 28, 2021 - Tuesday (26th Week in O.T.)
Catholic Morning Prayers | Prayers to Bless Your Day
Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | September 26, 2020 - Saturday (25th Week in O.T.)
(2020-09-28) September 28, 2020. Mass for Monday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time
Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | September 27, 2020 - Sunday (26th Week in O.T.)
Catholic Weekday Mass Today Online - Monday, 26th Week of Ordinary Time 2020
CATHOLIC MEDITATION: Monday - 28 September, 2020. 26th week - Ordinary Time, Year A
Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | October 3, 2020 - Saturday (26th Week in O.T.)
Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | August 26, 2020 - Wednesday (21st Week in O.T.)
Daily Reflection for 26th September 2020
TODAYS MASS READINGS // JUNE 28, 2020 // Sunday of the 13th Week in O.T. - Gospel Reflection